Just this morning, I attended a Healing Mass. In the church all I can see are disabled, convalescent and aged persons hoping to be healed after the ceremony. Comparing myself to these people I can say I'm very much blessed. I am able to ambulate on my own and not suffering much like them. Settled in our bench, the priest started his homily. He said that the mass we are attending is not the one that heals us but rather our belief of getting healed. According to him, oftentimes when we have grave illness like cancer we pass through stages such as denial, anger, depression and later on acceptance. To him, acceptence is the highest stages that will help us recover. I believe him though, because I experience all the stages. As I have observed, my recovery is very slow when I was in denial, anger and depression. In these stages I was stressed out that I was blaming everthing and sometimes thought of ending it all. But when I realized, no matter what I do it is part of me then I learned that acceptance has taken its place. Accepting the fact, that I do have cancer and not able to bare a child, felt a lot lighter and stress free. I was able to think clearly and had so many options in mind on what to do. It also helped me recover even faster because I believe my happy hormones are up helping my system suppress the growth of cancer cells. Acceptance also make us a positive thinker and see ourselves as a normally functioning individual.
Stay happy and enjoy Life!